Title IX Gender Equity Attorneys

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. One of the key aspects of Title IX is the requirement for schools to provide equal opportunities to both male and female students in all aspects of their education, including athletics, academics, and extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, despite the protections provided by Title IX, students can still face gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence on campus. This can have a significant impact on their academic career and mental health. As a result, students may need the assistance of a Title IX gender equity attorney to help protect their rights and advocate for their needs. K Altman Law specializes in providing legal representation and support to students who have experienced gender-based discrimination or harassment. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the justice and equity they deserve.

Role of Title IX Gender Equity Attorneys

Title IX gender equity attorneys play a crucial role in ensuring that educational institutions are held accountable for complying with Title IX regulations and promoting gender equity in all aspects of education. Title IX gender equity attorneys can play several roles, including:

Advising students

Title IX attorneys can advise individuals who have experienced gender discrimination or sexual harassment about their rights under Title IX and the options available to them.

Investigating complaints

Title IX attorneys can conduct investigations into complaints of gender discrimination or sexual harassment to determine whether a violation of Title IX has occurred.

Representing clients

Title IX attorneys can represent clients in administrative hearings or court proceedings related to Title IX violations.

Providing training

Title IX attorneys can provide training to educational institutions and their staff on Title IX compliance and best practices for preventing gender discrimination and sexual harassment.

What classifies as gender equity under Title IX?

For students, gender equity under Title IX requires educational institutions to provide equal opportunities for both males and females in all aspects of education, including:


Educational institutions must provide equal opportunities for admission to males and females.


Educational institutions must provide equal opportunities for male and female athletes to participate in athletic programs and receive equal benefits and treatment.

Academic programs

Educational institutions must ensure that academic programs and activities are equally accessible and available to male and female students.

Financial aid

Educational institutions must provide equal opportunities for financial assistance to male and female students.

Counseling and support services

Educational institutions must provide equal access to counseling and support services for male and female students.

Gender-based violence

Educational institutions must take appropriate measures to prevent and address sexual harassment and gender-based violence, and provide equal support and resources to both male and female survivors.

In addition to providing equal opportunities, Title IX also requires educational institutions to ensure that their policies and practices do not perpetuate gender-based stereotypes or discrimination. This includes ensuring that educational materials and facilities are free from gender-based bias and that students are not subjected to gender-based harassment or bullying. Overall, gender equity for students under Title IX means ensuring that all students have equal access to educational opportunities and resources, regardless of their gender.

How Can K Altman Law help?

K Altman Law specializes in representing students who have experienced gender discrimination or sexual harassment in educational institutions. Here are some specific ways the firm can help students when it comes to Title IX gender equity cases:

Legal advice

The Title IX attorneys at K Altman Law can provide legal advice to students on their rights under Title IX, as well as the options available to them for addressing gender equity issues in their educational institutions. This includes advising them on how to file a complaint with their school, what evidence they may need to support their claim, and what remedies they may be entitled to.


We can conduct investigations into complaints of gender discrimination or sexual harassment to determine whether a violation of Title IX has occurred. This includes interviewing witnesses, gathering evidence, and analyzing school policies and procedures.


We can represent students in administrative hearings or court proceedings related to Title IX violations, such as disciplinary hearings or lawsuits. We help students present their case, negotiate settlements, and advocate for their rights.


If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of a Title IX case, K Altman Law can assist with filing an appeal to challenge the decision.

Contact K Altman Law today to schedule a consultation

K Altman Law offers nationwide legal representation to students in Title IX cases. We have decades of experience representing and protecting student rights. Our dedicated team of Title IX attorneys, student advisors, and consultants can help you defend your rights. Schedule a consultation with K Altman Law today by contacting us at
888-984-1341 or kalonline@kaltmanlaw.com.

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