Protect Your Rights!
Sue Your College or School.

If your child has been mistreated, discriminated against, or wrongfully disciplined by a public school, we can help.

Can I Sue My School? Find Out Your Options.

Rating Overview

Defending Students’ Rights: Suing Schools for Justice

When schools overstep their bounds or fail to protect students, it’s crucial to have a strong advocate by your side. At K Altman Law, we focus exclusively on defending students, ensuring their rights are upheld, and holding schools accountable for misconduct. Whether it’s a public school district failing to provide essential services or a teacher engaging in discriminatory actions, we’re here to fight for you.

Why You Need a Student Defense Attorney to Sue a School District

Suing a school district can be daunting, especially when they hide behind layers of bureaucracy. With our in-depth knowledge of education law, we specialize in challenging school districts when they violate your rights or fail to provide the safe and supportive environment every student deserves.

  • Public vs. Private Schools: Public school districts often rely on sovereign immunity to avoid lawsuits, but our team knows how to navigate these obstacles to get results. We also handle private school cases, which follow a different legal path, but the goal remains the same—justice for the student.
  • Navigating Administrative Remedies: Before you can sue a public school, you often need to exhaust administrative remedies, such as filing formal complaints or attending disciplinary hearings. We ensure every necessary step is taken, so your case is ready to move forward.

Types of Student Defense Cases We Handle

As student defense attorneys, we represent students facing a variety of challenges with their school. Here are some of the cases we focus on:

  • Teacher Abuse in Public Schools: If you or your child has been the victim of physical, emotional, or verbal abuse by a teacher, we’ll hold the responsible parties accountable. No student should suffer at the hands of those entrusted with their education.
  • Medical Dismissals: Schools are required to accommodate students with medical conditions. If you’ve been unfairly dismissed or denied accommodations due to a medical condition, we’ll fight to ensure your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws are upheld.
  • Free Speech Violations: Students have the right to express their opinions, whether in speech, protest, or writing, without fear of retribution. If your right to free speech has been violated by your school, we will defend your constitutional rights.
  • Sexual Assault: We are committed to standing with survivors of sexual assault in schools. Whether it’s a student, staff member, or another authority figure, we will hold the school accountable for failing to protect its students and pursue justice for those affected.
  • Fraternities and Sororities Misconduct: Hazing, sexual misconduct, or other abuses within Greek life should not go unchecked. We handle cases involving fraternity and sorority misconduct, helping students hold these organizations and their institutions accountable.
  • Falsely Accused of Terrorist Attacks: Being falsely accused of terrorist activities can have devastating consequences on a student’s life and future. We handle cases where students have been wrongfully accused, ensuring their rights are protected and that false allegations don’t lead to unjust penalties or criminal charges.

Suing Public Schools: Overcoming Legal Barriers

Public schools often rely on legal protections like sovereign immunity to shield themselves from lawsuits. However, there are exceptions when a school’s negligence or misconduct directly harms a student. We are experienced in challenging these barriers and will ensure your case meets the legal requirements necessary to move forward.

Some situations where you may have a valid claim include:

  • If you were bullied or harassed and the school failed to take appropriate action
  • If you were wrongfully suspended or expelled without due process
  • If you were denied special education services or accommodations

We will stand with you every step of the way, from filing complaints to pursuing legal action, ensuring that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

Don’t Let Schools Get Away With Injustice — Act Now!

If your school is violating your rights or failing to protect you, we’re here to help. Contact us today and let us defend your rights and secure the justice you deserve.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Your Rights Matter. Contact Us Now!

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