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Legally Blind Justice Podcast

Back to School With Keith Altman: The Legally Blind Justice Podcast: Episode 26 | 8/14/2024

This podcast episode discusses various issues college students may face when returning to school. Topics include changes in living conditions, adjusting to school rules and regulations, obtaining accommodations for disabilities, managing social media presence, maintaining academic integrity, and navigating Title IX issues. The conversation emphasizes the importance of seeking legal advice when dealing with serious disciplinary matters and provides guidance for students returning to campus.


  • College students may face changes in living conditions and need to adjust to new roommates and dorms.
  • Students need to be aware of and comply with school rules and regulations.
  • Obtaining accommodations for disabilities is essential, and students should not hesitate to seek them.
  • Students should be cautious about their social media presence and be mindful of what they post.
  • Maintaining academic integrity is crucial; students should avoid using artificial intelligence to complete their work.
  • Seeking legal advice is essential when dealing with serious disciplinary matters, such as Title IX violations.

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