Safeguarding Rights. Shaping Futures.

Safeguarding Rights. Shaping Futures.

College Sexual Misconduct Lawyer Detroit, MI

Tough College Sexual Misconduct Lawyer Detroit, MI

College is one of the most exciting times of a young person’s life. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous and traumatizing time, especially for young women. Sexual misconduct is a far too common occurrence on American campuses, and parents and students alike need to know that there’s justice for victims, as well as those who are falsely accused. If you or a family member have experienced harassment or other abuse, or been unjustly accused of such, you may need the guidance of our Detroit, MI college sexual misconduct lawyers.

K Altman Law’s college sexual misconduct team has the experience and tools necessary to pursue justice for your case. Whether you’ve been victimized or accused, K Altman Law can help provide a path forward.

Understanding Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct is a grave issue on college campuses. There are several common types of sexual misconduct that may have legal consequences:

  • Verbal misconduct: Such as unwelcome sexual comments, jokes, or propositions.
  • Non-consensual sexual contact: Such as intentional touching of a sexual nature without consent.
  • Sexual coercion and exploitation: Such as emotional manipulation, threats, or other forms of pressure designed to push someone into sexual activity.
  • Sexual assault: Any sexual act performed without the consent of a victim.

Each of these types of misconduct cast a wide net of potentially inappropriate or legally punishable behavior. Understanding that there are many types of sexual misconduct may help you better recognize what does and does not constitute misconduct.

K Altman Law’s team recognizes that college sexual misconduct cases must be treated with dignity, privacy, and sensitivity. Our team is dedicated to providing a commitment to fairness, integrity, and the principles of justice.

Complications with Sexual Misconduct Cases

You may have heard the phrase “he said, she said” on TV or in the news. This is one of the biggest challenges with sexual misconduct cases. Accusations are often made to peers, professors, or deans who do not have experience in legal sexual allegations and cannot provide proper guidance. In some cases, this leads to victims being ignored; in others, it leads to false accusations being improperly vetted and investigated.

In either case, when made public, such allegations cause irreparable damage to reputations and can lead to criminal charges being brought too rashly. As such, it’s absolutely imperative to consult legal representation before moving forward with an accusation or if you fear you may soon be accused.

Contact Our College Sexual Misconduct Lawyers Detroit, MI

Whether you’re a victim of misconduct or you’ve been accused, it’s an incredibly stressful and concerning situation. Such cases may lead to expulsion, reputation ruination, or even criminal charges. It’s vital to protect yourself.

K Altman Law is a full-service law firm providing comprehensive legal representation in the Detroit area and across the nation. If you’ve been a victim of or accused of an on-campus crime, our attorneys and legal specialists can guide you through this difficult process until you’ve found justice.

To discuss your Detroit, MI college sexual misconduct case with our attorneys, contact K Altman Law today.

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