Yes and no, schools usually have policies to keep things confidential about the person who files a sexual harassment complaint, including the identity of the complainant and the details of what happened. Like during the investigation, the school might use fake names in the paperwork or keep the circle small on who knows who’s talking.
But here’s the thing, keeping it all confidential is not always the case. Some information may need to be disclosed to ensure a fair process for the accused. Like, the accused has to know the details of what they’re being accused of and who’s involved so they can prepare for their defense. So, the school has to keep a balance between the complainant’s confidentiality and the accused’s rights under Title IX due process to confront their accuser.
Now, how confidential the school can stay about the complainant can change depending on their policies and the circumstances of the case. Some schools might be highly strict with keeping things quiet compared to others. And it gets even more challenging if the complaints escalate to a public hearing or a court case.
This is where having a Title IX lawyer in your corner makes a ton of sense. They can break it down for you – how schools usually handle confidentiality in sexual harassment cases and what it means for you. They’ll help you get the picture of your rights, what could go down if you file a complaint, and how to go through it all while trying to keep your privacy as much as possible.